Golden Gate Brass in Brisbane
Saturday 24th September - Sunday 2nd October, 2022
After successfully applying as a pre-established ensemble, Golden Gate Brass were selected to take part in the Australian Youth Orchestra’s Chamber Players program for 2022. Held in Brisbane over a week, the quintet extensively workshopped and rehearsed a set of entirely new repertoire under the guidance of Peter Luff, Head of Performance at Queensland Conservatorium and one of Australia’s finest pedagogues.
In addition to rehearsals, Golden Gate Brass also had the chance to work with composer Catherine Likhuta, who led them through her incredible composition for brass quintet Apex Predators. The quintet also took part in a career-building session led by Queensland Camerata’s Brendan Joyce and attended two performances presented by both Musica Viva and the Queensland Symphony Orchestra.
The program culminated in two performances, where the quintet performed Anthony Horowitz’s Music Hall Suite in a private concert for AYO donors and Andre Previn’s Four Outings for Brass at a public performance in QSO Studios at ABC Brisbane.
For this program, Golden Gate Brass was joined by French Horn young gun Calen Linke, while Aidan was away working in Melbourne. Yet another superstar to have gone through ANAM, Calen made a fantastic addition to the quintet and Golden Gate Brass were so grateful to him for joining them.
Be sure to check out the various programs available at the Australian Youth Orchestra through their website and encourage anyone and everyone you know to apply!