AYO Chamber Players 2022

Golden Gate Brass in Brisbane

Saturday 24th September - Sunday 2nd October, 2022

After successfully applying as a pre-established ensemble, Golden Gate Brass were selected to take part in the Australian Youth Orchestra’s Chamber Players program for 2022. Held in Brisbane over a week, the quintet extensively workshopped and rehearsed a set of entirely new repertoire under the guidance of Peter Luff, Head of Performance at Queensland Conservatorium and one of Australia’s finest pedagogues.

In addition to rehearsals, Golden Gate Brass also had the chance to work with composer Catherine Likhuta, who led them through her incredible composition for brass quintet Apex Predators. The quintet also took part in a career-building session led by Queensland Camerata’s Brendan Joyce and attended two performances presented by both Musica Viva and the Queensland Symphony Orchestra.

The program culminated in two performances, where the quintet performed Anthony Horowitz’s Music Hall Suite in a private concert for AYO donors and Andre Previn’s Four Outings for Brass at a public performance in QSO Studios at ABC Brisbane.

For this program, Golden Gate Brass was joined by French Horn young gun Calen Linke, while Aidan was away working in Melbourne. Yet another superstar to have gone through ANAM, Calen made a fantastic addition to the quintet and Golden Gate Brass were so grateful to him for joining them.

Be sure to check out the various programs available at the Australian Youth Orchestra through their website and encourage anyone and everyone you know to apply!

Musica Viva Tour 2022


Thursday 1st - Saturday 10th September, 2022

After months of preparation and planning, Golden Gate Brass were back for 2022 to undertake a regional tour around NSW as part of Musica Viva’s touring program. Spanning over 10 days, with rehearsals in Sydney prior, the quintet toured to Orange, Tamworth, Gunnedah & Dubbo, where they presented masterclasses, workshops and concert programmes at regional conservatoriums. The concert program featured works best and dear to quintet’s hearts, including some of the very first works they performed, alongside some commissions and arrangements written especially for the group. Well received by presenters and concert-goers alike, the quintet met many amazing people and were blown away by talent in the regions. Golden Gate Brass can’t wait for the next adventure out into the regions.

For the tour, Golden Gate Brass had the privilege of being joined by French Horn extraordinaire Emily Newham, while Aidan was unavailable due to work commitments in Melbourne. Emily studied at ANAM alongside the members of Golden Gate Brass and has quickly become one of Australia’s most in demand freelance Horn players. The quintet were very grateful that Emily was able to join for the tour.



After flying in from Sydney, the quintet arrived in beautiful, leafy Orange and got straight to work rehearsing for the upcoming performance. The following day, Golden Gate Brass gave their first performance of the tour at Orange Regional Conservatorium which was met with rave reviews from the wonderful staff and audiences members (including one keen young brass player who was blown away by seeing an enormous tuba mute for the first time!). After a good night’s sleep, the quintet then arrived at the Conservatorium the following morning to present a brass workshop with local students, where they covered technical elements behind playing the instruments and some key elements of ensemble playing.

This first leg of the tour was particularly special for Jackson, as this was a triumphant return to his hometown. There were big cheers from the crowd when he was being introduced… and not just from his mum! Michael was also very lucky to have friends and family in the audience, who had flown from all across Australia to see him perform while he was back from Germany.


After several beautiful days in Orange, Golden Gate Brass left on the 5hr drive to Tamworth. Upon arriving, the quintet quickly unpacked and prepared for a Q&A and masterclass session at Tamworth Regional Conservatorium with local brass musicians of all levels. The quintet were blown away by the enthusiasm and talent in the room, even having to go into overtime to fit all the players in. After wrapping up the session, Golden Gate Brass hit the town to go bowling in celebration of Michael’s birthday.

The following day, after enjoying a hike up to Oxley Lookout and the local Marsupial Park, Golden Gate Brass presented their second concert for the tour, which was met with many familiar faces from the masterclass session and some fresh faces too.



Though perhaps the town with the smallest population throughout the tour, what Gunnedah lacked in numbers it made up for in talent and passion. The brass playing roots ran deep in this town, which was apparent to the quintet from the moment they arrived. After being met by the wonderful staff at Gunnedah Conservatorium, the Golden Gate Brass split into two groups to give masterclasses at local primary schools. The talent of these young players blew both groups away. The quintet then joined the Gunnedah Shire Band for one of their rehearsals, run by formidable father and son duo, Laurence and Anthony Rowe.

Following a good nights sleep (and after coming 2nd in the local trivia night!), the quintet presented yet another masterclass at a local high school. Keep your eyes peeled in the next few years for these talented youngsters!

Finally, after hearing the sheer amount of talent around the town, it was time for Golden Gate Brass to present their own performance in the Gunnedah Shire Band Hall. The audience came in droves and the quintet were humbled by the warm reception they received, with new and familiar faces greeting us at the end all wanting to talk and share their passion and appreciation for brass music.


As the final stop on our tour, Dubbo brought about a cathartic end to our loop around Regional NSW. After a short visit in the middle of the 4hr drive at the incredible Siding Spring Observatory in Coonabarabran, we made it to Dubbo in time go straight to the Macquarie Conservatorium to give a masterclass with student ensembles with the help of Malcolm Liddell. Once again, the talent in the regions never ceased to amaze!

After another night’s rest and a thorough inspection of Taronga Zoo, Golden Gate Brass gave their final concert, which was met with rapturous applause and an enthusiastic response from the audience. The quintet celebrated the end of the tour with a final hurrah before travelling to Orange the next day, flying back to Sydney and going their separate ways.


Golden Gate Brass are incredibly grateful to Musica Viva for the opportunity to undertake this adventure and for the chance to be a part of their vast tapestry of music making across the country. Be sure to check out the Musica Viva website for any performances coming in your area.

Canberra Festival 2021


Thursday 29th April - Sunday 9th May 2021

After a long hiatus (and many thwarted attempts prior!), Golden Gate Brass finally reunited in Canberra for the 2021 Canberra International Music Festival, where they appeared as Festival Artists. Spanning over 10 days, the quintet appeared in over 20 performances throughout the Festival and were warmly received by the Festival audience.

Over the course of the Festival, the quintet performed not one, but two world premieres of works written by Kate Neal and Luke Styles, leaving the quintet with two fantastic new additions to the repertoire. Golden Gate were also appeared in two concerts with a set of music arranged by their very own, Jackson Bankovic, which was met with a very warm reception. The quintet were very grateful to have had the chance to collaborate with some amazing Australian musicians and ensembles, including Ensemble Offspring, the Partridge String Quartet, members of the Sydney Symphony and many amazing instrumentalists and vocalists.

Golden Gate Brass were joined by trumpet player extraordinaire Joel Walmsley for the entire duration of the Festival, while Michael was in Germany completing his post-graduate degree at the Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe. While Michael was sorely missed, Joel was a fantastic addition to the team and the quintet were very grateful to have to opportunity to make music with him.

If you’re ever in Canberra at the start of May, be sure to check out the Festival website for information about the various events and performances. Golden Gate had a great time and wouldn’t want you to miss out!



Thursday 20th December 2018

In 2018 Golden Gate Brass received the Lorne and Ann Cole award enabling them to commission a work by Australian composer, Alex Turley. They worked together with Turley to present the world premiere of Cloudscapes, in St Luke’s Church South Melbourne alongside a program of quintessential works for brass quintet. The quintet felt extremely privileged to have received the opportunity to work with Alex and love the work that has been produced throughout this process.

Alex had this to say:

- “It’s very exciting to have a work written especially for the group. We get to workshop and premiere a new work and it’s great to add a piece to the brass quintet repertoire.”

Be sure to check out what Alex is up to at alexturley.com and keep an ear out.

Golden Gate Brass appeared in concert through the support of the Lorne and Ann Cole Prize from the Ursula Hoff Institute and the Australian National Academy of Music.

MPavilion 2018


Wednesday 19th December, 2018

As part of a partnership with ANAM, Golden Gate Brass were invited to perform a small lunchtime concert at MPavilion’s 2018 installation in Melbourne’s Queen Victoria Gardens. It was a beautiful afternoon of music, featuring some new repertoire and classics. The concert was attended by a diverse audience underneath the beautiful sculptural architecture, designed by Barcelona-based architect Carme Pinos. It was a truly unique performance experience that the quintet hope to have the chance to experience again in the future!

MPavilion features a new installation each year, so be sure to keep up to date by checking their website.

Perth Tour


26th August - 7th September 2018

In September 2018, after a busy first half of the year for everyone, Golden Gate Brass traveled to Perth to undertake a residency with the University of Western Australia. While there they worked alongside the students, sharing their expertise and experience to help develop the next generation of brass students in WA. The residency included giving seminars, workshops and performances both as a quintet and in large combined ensembles alongside the students. On Sunday the 2nd of September, Golden Gate Brass held their own concert at Callaway Auditorium in UWA, performing works by Ewazen, Hillborg, Bernstein and Caleb Hudson. We were very lucky to be joined on the tour by young trumpet superstar, Sam Beagley, who stepped in for Michael while he was away working with Orchestra Victoria. The ensemble really enjoyed their first tour to WA and can’t wait until their next western adventure.

To see what our friends at UWA are up to, check out their website or Facebook page.

The Brunswick Green


Sunday 12th November 2017

In November 2017, Golden Gate Brass collaborated with Ad Lib Collective’s Thea Rossen and Jesse Deane to put on a concert at the Brunswick Green. This was part of a larger series of concerts established by students of the Australian National Academy of Music. The set was comprised of well known works arranged by our very own Jackson Bankovic, and was a great way to engage with audiences who wouldn’t often hear a live brass quintet.

For more information on Ad Lib Collective, check out their website here.

Golden Gate Brass & Corelia Quintet

Tuesday 24th October 2017

At a concert held by ANAM for a private function in Melbourne CBD, Golden Gate Brass were privileged to share the stage with the Corelia Quintet. After performing a set each, Corelia and Golden Gate Brass combined to perform an arrangement of George Gershwin’s ‘An American in Paris’, arranged for the combined ensemble by our trombonist, Jackson. It was fantastic to work alongside these extremely talented musicians and we were very grateful to have shared the stage with them.