

Thursday 20th December 2018

In 2018 Golden Gate Brass received the Lorne and Ann Cole award enabling them to commission a work by Australian composer, Alex Turley. They worked together with Turley to present the world premiere of Cloudscapes, in St Luke’s Church South Melbourne alongside a program of quintessential works for brass quintet. The quintet felt extremely privileged to have received the opportunity to work with Alex and love the work that has been produced throughout this process.

Alex had this to say:

- “It’s very exciting to have a work written especially for the group. We get to workshop and premiere a new work and it’s great to add a piece to the brass quintet repertoire.”

Be sure to check out what Alex is up to at and keep an ear out.

Golden Gate Brass appeared in concert through the support of the Lorne and Ann Cole Prize from the Ursula Hoff Institute and the Australian National Academy of Music.

MPavilion 2018


Wednesday 19th December, 2018

As part of a partnership with ANAM, Golden Gate Brass were invited to perform a small lunchtime concert at MPavilion’s 2018 installation in Melbourne’s Queen Victoria Gardens. It was a beautiful afternoon of music, featuring some new repertoire and classics. The concert was attended by a diverse audience underneath the beautiful sculptural architecture, designed by Barcelona-based architect Carme Pinos. It was a truly unique performance experience that the quintet hope to have the chance to experience again in the future!

MPavilion features a new installation each year, so be sure to keep up to date by checking their website.

Perth Tour


26th August - 7th September 2018

In September 2018, after a busy first half of the year for everyone, Golden Gate Brass traveled to Perth to undertake a residency with the University of Western Australia. While there they worked alongside the students, sharing their expertise and experience to help develop the next generation of brass students in WA. The residency included giving seminars, workshops and performances both as a quintet and in large combined ensembles alongside the students. On Sunday the 2nd of September, Golden Gate Brass held their own concert at Callaway Auditorium in UWA, performing works by Ewazen, Hillborg, Bernstein and Caleb Hudson. We were very lucky to be joined on the tour by young trumpet superstar, Sam Beagley, who stepped in for Michael while he was away working with Orchestra Victoria. The ensemble really enjoyed their first tour to WA and can’t wait until their next western adventure.

To see what our friends at UWA are up to, check out their website or Facebook page.